Wednesday, 14 July 2021

Steps to Migrate On-Premise Database to Oracle Cloud using DBCS



DBCS Lift Shift







Author:                                                               Karthik Sardarsingh

Creation Date:                                                   July 12, 2021

Last Updated:                                                    July 13, 2021

Document Ref:                                                  Nil

Version:                                                              V1

Install Oracle Database – On-premise

Download and Unzip the required Database software in the location where you want to install.

Navigate to database folder and invoke “runInstaller” and proceed with the installation.

Note: Ensure all the Pre-requisites like Kernel Settings and RPM’s are done, which is not covered in this document. Ensure to select the Character Set as shown below.

Insert Data into “SCOTT” schema

Please refer sample test data here.

Create a OCI user available in “Administrator” group

Click Hamburger menu à Identity & Security à Users à Create User à Provide the username, email, ensure the user is not in Federated group rather user should be in “Administrator” group.

Ensure to create API Keys

Ensure to Note the Auth Token – It will not be displayed again

Ensure the user is having DBAAS Administrator role

Create a Compartment

Click Hamburger menu à Identity & Security à Compartments à Create Compartment à Provide the Name and Select the Parent/root compartment

Create a VCN


CIDR Blocks

Route tables

Security Lists

Service Gateways

Create Object Storage/Bucket

Hamburger Menu à Storage à Buckets à Create Bucket à Provide Bucket name under the compartment

Create Pre-Authenticated request

Install OCI Backup module

Friday, 19 October 2012

Find HWM Query in Oracle

SELECT tablespace_name, file_name, file_size, hwm, file_size-hwm can_save
FROM (SELECT /*+ RULE */ ddf.tablespace_name, ddf.file_name file_name,
ddf.bytes/1048576 file_size,(ebf.maximum + de.blocks-1)*dbs.db_block_size/1048576 hwm
FROM dba_data_files ddf,(SELECT file_id, MAX(block_id) maximum FROM dba_extents GROUP BY file_id) ebf,dba_extents de,
(SELECT value db_block_size FROM v$parameter WHERE name='db_block_size') dbs
WHERE ddf.file_id = ebf.file_id
AND de.file_id = ebf.file_id
AND de.block_id = ebf.maximum
ORDER BY 1,2);