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Oracle Administration workshop I on Managing schema objects
oracle schema ojects
Create schema object
Oracle Error while creating schema
SQL commands
Oracle Administration workshop I on Managing schema objects
oracle schema ojects
Create schema object
SQL> SHOW USER USER is "MAG" SQL> CREATE SCHEMA AUTHORIZATION CRSCH 2 CREATE TABLE new_product 3 (color VARCHAR2(10) PRIMARY KEY, quantity NUMBER) 4 CREATE VIEW new_product_view 5 AS SELECT color, quantity FROM new_product WHERE color = 'RED'; CREATE SCHEMA AUTHORIZATION CRSCH * ERROR at line 1: ORA-02421: missing or invalid schema authorization identifier SQL> CONNECT CRSCH/CRSCH Connected. SQL> SHOW USER USER is "CRSCH" SQL> CREATE SCHEMA AUTHORIZATION CRSCH 2 CREATE TABLE new_product 3 (color VARCHAR2(10) PRIMARY KEY, quantity NUMBER) 4 CREATE VIEW new_product_view 5 AS SELECT color, quantity FROM new_product WHERE color = 'RED'; Schema created. SQL> SELECT * FROM CAT; TABLE_NAME TABLE_TYPE ------------------------------ ----------- NEW_PRODUCT TABLE NEW_PRODUCT_VIEW VIEW
Oracle Error while creating schema
ORA-02421: missing or invalid schema authorization identifier
I tried creating a schema with authorization and got the following error. Sequence of steps and fix have been discussed here
SQL> create schema authorization play;
create schema authorization play
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-02421: missing or invalid schema authorization identifier
SQL> create user play identified by play;
User created.
SQL> grant create session to play;
Grant succeeded.
SQL> connect play/play
SQL> create schema authorization play;
Schema created.
SQL commands
DESC[RIBE] (SQL*Plus command)
Describe an Oracle Table, View, Synonym, package or Function.
Note that because this is a SQL*Plus command you don't need to terminate it with a semicolon.
Note that because this is a SQL*Plus command you don't need to terminate it with a semicolon.
DESC table DESC view DESC synonym DESC function DESC package
Renaming Columns And Constraints
In addition to renaming tables and indexes Oracle9i Release 2 allows the renaming of columns and constraints on tables. In this example once the theTEST1
table is created it is renamed along with it's columns, primary key constraint and the index that
supports the primary key.SQL> CREATE TABLE test1 ( 2 col1 NUMBER(10) NOT NULL, 3 col2 VARCHAR2(50) NOT NULL); Table created. SQL> ALTER TABLE test1 ADD ( 2 CONSTRAINT test1_pk PRIMARY KEY (col1)); Table altered. SQL> DESC test1 Name Null? Type -------------------- -------- -------------------- COL1 NOT NULL NUMBER(10) COL2 NOT NULL VARCHAR2(50) SQL> SELECT constraint_name 2 FROM user_constraints 3 WHERE table_name = 'TEST1' 4 AND constraint_type = 'P'; CONSTRAINT_NAME ------------------------------ TEST1_PK 1 row selected. SQL> SELECT index_name, column_name 2 FROM user_ind_columns 3 WHERE table_name = 'TEST1'; INDEX_NAME COLUMN_NAME -------------------- -------------------- TEST1_PK COL1 1 row selected. SQL> -- Rename the table, columns, primary key SQL> -- and supporting index. SQL> ALTER TABLE test1 RENAME TO test; Table altered. SQL> ALTER TABLE test RENAME COLUMN col1 TO id; Table altered. SQL> ALTER TABLE test RENAME COLUMN col2 TO description; Table altered. SQL> ALTER TABLE test RENAME CONSTRAINT test1_pk TO test_pk; Table altered. SQL> ALTER INDEX test1_pk RENAME TO test_pk; Index altered. SQL> DESC test Name Null? Type -------------------- -------- -------------------- ID NOT NULL NUMBER(10) DESCRIPTION NOT NULL VARCHAR2(50) SQL> SELECT constraint_name 2 FROM user_constraints 3 WHERE table_name = 'TEST' 4 AND constraint_type = 'P'; CONSTRAINT_NAME -------------------- TEST_PK 1 row selected. SQL> SELECT index_name, column_name 2 FROM user_ind_columns 3 WHERE table_name = 'TEST'; INDEX_NAME COLUMN_NAME -------------------- -------------------- TEST_PK ID 1 row selected.
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